
Messenger or Missionary? – Paperback Bookstore Rate

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $40.00.


This book is very informative and is filled with Scripture and History. I have always used the word, “missionary” not knowing from where it came. Now that I have been informed, not just by History but more importantly by the Word of God, I have a responsibility as a Messenger to preach the Word of God and teach others the importance of using Scriptural Words. I highly recommend this book to anyone that is willing to learn.

Caleb Edwards
Gentile Ministry Editor/ International Representative

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Did you know that the word missionary is not one of God’s inspired
vocabulary words? Are you aware of the origin of the term missionary? Does it matter to you? How about to God?

In Acts 18:24-26, The Lord gives us an account of a “…Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures…” Even with his acquired knowledge, that good man had more to learn in order to be “…more perfectly…” right with some things in God’s Word. To do this, God sent “…Aquila and Priscilla…” who “… expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.” This book by Dr. Edwards, will also expound “…the way of God more perfectly…,”concerning The Holy Ghost’s choice of the inspired, Scriptural words “…messenger…” and “…messengers…”.

When it comes to the study of the words in The Book of God; those who
desire, not just to be right with friends and associates in the ministry, but first to be rightly approved of God; will always allow the words written by The LORD, to take absolute precedence over any words conceived by men.

After reading this book, many a good man, perhaps some like
“…Apollos…” will be brought to a choice between a word of God, and a word of man. They will have to choose to obey, or to disobey, the words of Revelation 22:18-19. Someone in the history of mankind added the word missionary into the theology and minds of men, as if it was one of  “…the things which are written…” in The Book of God. Will you, like “…Apollos…,” allow yourself to be corrected, and go in “…the way of God more perfectly…”?

Dr. T.S. Luchon
Pastor Of The Hilltop Baptist Church, Hunker, PA


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