
Dear Site Visitor,

It is with great pleasure and assurance that I recommend unto you “Voice of the Prophets” written by Dr. Andrew Edwards III. For many years Pastor Edwards and I have studied and compared the number of times scripture quotes itself. Time and again writers of the books of the Bible quote previous writers with intent and interpretation.

Dr. Edwards has compiled our references and went well beyond such with an extensive study of verses and passages. THIS IS THE GREATEST COMMENTARY ON SCRIPTURE I AM AWARE OF TODAY! The reason being is that it is the Bible explaining the Bible. Over 580 pages of references beginning in Mathew’s gospel through the book of Revelation.

Find out why the last 27 books of the Bible are continually quoting the first 39 books of the Bible. Every gospel, every epistle, every chapter in Revelation is quoting one of the prophets of old. Your Bible study will come alive and blossom as nourishment from the root of scripture begins to flow.

This is true, accurate, steadfast and sure Bible verses absent of commentary. Every student, teacher, messenger, pastor, and evangelist may use this study tool every time they open the scripture. There is nothing like it that I am aware of. Get connected to sound doctrine, and a scriptural foundation.

Dr. Bryan Sharp
Evangelist – Founder of Gentile Ministry
Ps. 34:6