It is with great delight to recommend to the reader this book, “THE CONTINUATION OF THE CHURCH IN THE WILDERNESS” by Dr. Andy Edwards. I have known Pastor Edwards for decades. We have talked much about the Old Time Religion and the faith once delivered unto the saints. Through diligent research and thorough study of the Bible, Brother Edwards has laid out the Word of God as it pertains to fundamental doctrine.
Time does not change doctrine. As Solomon said in Ecc. 1:9 there is no new thing under the sun and as we are reminded in II Pet. 3:2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, may the reader be reminded of our steadfast foundation. All truth originates with God and He never changes.
Find the genesis of the Church, the Holy Spirit inside a believer, the plan of salvation for everyone, adoption, pastors, and the ministry of Christ. This is our history. This is where we came from. This book will challenge and equip you to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints Jude 1:3.
Dr. Bryan Sharp – Evangelist
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